WEEK 3 – The eyes of compassion

The source of the universe is big enough to embrace all of you – the good, the bad and the ugly!

  1. Read all the steps and notes below before starting this meditation.
  2. Get comfortable and completely relax remaining as still as you can. Notice your body breathing as if for the first time.
  3. Don’t be concerned if your mind is racing or thinking of this or that – let it – just choose to focus on your breathing for now
  4. Regardless of the activity in your mind, dedicate the next five minutes to allowing yourself to experience whatever comes up for you whether it’s thoughts, feelings, visions or emotions.
  5. Set a timer for 5 minutes (choose a gentle alarm!) and start when you are comfortable and ready.


  • Allow everything, no matter how negative or positive; they are all merely ‘forms’ that belong in the manifest realm – they come and they go yet they are ALL vital for you to experience. Nothing is wrong or shouldn’t be. There are no mistakes.  You are never ‘doing it wrong’ – there’s just what is!
  • Without engaging in any effort nor with any striving, simply choose to experience that unconditional oneness with your source and look deeply with curiosity at whatever your experience is in this present moment.
  • Notice yourself bathed in the unconditional love of your source – a love without ANY conditions attached!
  • Notice the eyes of compassion and grace as you look – not with the ‘little me’ eyes with its conditions and judgements but seeing through the eyes of your unconditional source.
  • Do this every day of the week

Unconditional Love


We cannot unconditionally love one another if we impose conditions on ourselves. We cannot give what we don’t have. To love yourself unconditionally is a selfless act – the ego will never allow it. This quality of love doesn’t abide in the dualistic world of right or wrong, good or bad, worthy or unworthy. Unconditional love just is. It’s way beyond our concept of justice, goodness or sprirituality and far beyond blame or righteousness. We won’t be able to appreciate this love if we try to work it out, think about it or set some criteria for it. There is no key performance indicator, no yardstick to judge it by. Unconditional love is all around and within us – but often we find it hard to see. We can practice feeling it. We can practice being still enough to feel it’s vibration. It’s subtle but very powerful. It powers the universe. Sooner or later we will hear the still-small-voice and then we realise we were always love. 

Please feel free to like this post (or not!) and I would love to read and reply to any comments you may wish to leave – Andy

Messengers from the universe

Everything that upsets you (without exception) is a messenger from the universe, sent to help you. Always look within (using felt-perception, not your analytical mind) to feel the true cause of your upset. Watch your mind come up with its protests, blame and ‘special exceptions’ and just let them be. Return to your feelings, feel the fear, anger or grief that lies at the heart of your upset. The mind stories about the upset are all mere projections – regardless of how plausible and justified they seem.