2017-06-04 09.49.18-1Do you feel frustrated by not being present much of the time? Do you wish you could be present between meditations! Here’s a practice that might help:
Before all routines, such as switching off your alarm, getting up, going through a doorway, walking along a hall-way to the bathroom, washing, cleaning teeth etc., respectfully allow the stream of thought forms to recede into the background whilst you notice the ‘is’ness’ of your experience. No need to stop anything and put your ‘meditation’ face on or force any state of mind – just notice your direct experience whilst doing these things. If in doubt, notice that you can notice, and continue noticing anyway!
What are the benefits, why should we bother?  You probably already know the benefits and the transformative power of now. You probably have much of the theory Behind ‘mindfulness’ and ‘awakening’.  However, what sometimes keeps us unconscious is not the lack of knowledge but too much knowledge – or relying on knowledge to think our way to awareness!

We analyse and conceptualise everything because we’re addicted to control.

When we are thinking about ‘our life’,  we are not consciously living it – but it gives us the illusion of being in control for a little while. Whether we see ourselves as winners or losers – it’s all the same delusion – there is no such thing as either, in reality.

The meek shall inherit the Earth, not ‘the winners’ (or ‘the losers’). All that effort to get stuff or power or even happines adds up to nothing more than a hill of beans in the final analysis. ‘For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?’ Mark 8:36. If your mind kicks in with – does that mean I have to sell my new car’ – perhaps you are still craving control – it may or may not mean that!

Open your heart (notice you can notice – you are not just your thought forms). Open your ears. Open all of your senses. Notice you are a soul (alive, living, here, now). Perhaps you could pause being aware for a moment and think this:
S-stop, O-open, U-up to L-life (SOUL),
re-read the quote again from Mark above – then let your mind do what it usually does whilst you simply notice your experience.

Congratulations, you have inherited the Earth!

The great mystery of life is revealed when we connect consciously with our experience – or more accurately, life ceases to be a mystery as we touch the face of . . . whatever the source of the universe is for you. Namaste. 😀🙏🏼😀

Unconditional Love


We cannot unconditionally love one another if we impose conditions on ourselves. We cannot give what we don’t have. To love yourself unconditionally is a selfless act – the ego will never allow it. This quality of love doesn’t abide in the dualistic world of right or wrong, good or bad, worthy or unworthy. Unconditional love just is. It’s way beyond our concept of justice, goodness or sprirituality and far beyond blame or righteousness. We won’t be able to appreciate this love if we try to work it out, think about it or set some criteria for it. There is no key performance indicator, no yardstick to judge it by. Unconditional love is all around and within us – but often we find it hard to see. We can practice feeling it. We can practice being still enough to feel it’s vibration. It’s subtle but very powerful. It powers the universe. Sooner or later we will hear the still-small-voice and then we realise we were always love. 

Please feel free to like this post (or not!) and I would love to read and reply to any comments you may wish to leave – Andy